Dynamo, 指导, and Rising Star Awards: Open for Submissions

ATA presents annual and biennial awards to encourage, 奖励, and publicize outstanding work done by both seasoned professionals and students of our craft. Learn more about these awards and how…

事件 highlighted in blue are offered by the American Translators Association or ATA 分歧.
事件 highlighted in gray are offered by ATA Chapters, ATA子公司, or other approved non-ATA groups.

As a service to members, ATA includes events organized by non-profit associations and institutions that serve the translation and interpreting community. Inclusion does not imply affiliation with or endorsement by ATA. ATA membership is not required.

If you know of an event that other translators and interpreters should know about, please email the event name, 组织集团, 网站, and contact information to ATA at calendarevents@vacuumbeltsdirect.com.
